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How Does Mind Mapping Software For Dyslexia Work?

Jan 4, 2023

Although individuals with dyslexia can perform at a high level, they frequently face challenges in their day-to-day activities as students and working professionals. Reading, spelling, and writing are commonly affected by dyslexia, but short-term memory, concentration, information processing and sequencing are also issues for dyslexic learners. 

With the development of instruction, certain innovative learning techniques have emerged that can be very helpful for working adults with dyslexia. Mind mapping, a diagram used to visually display information, is one such technique. Mind mapping is frequently used to organise ideas, outline written documents, and to help with decision-making and memory recall.

Although many people with dyslexia prefer mind mapping on paper, there are a number of software programmes that can make the practice less tedious and more interesting.

In this guide we’ll explain how mind mapping software for dyslexia works and how it can be useful for people with dyslexia.

Mind Maps for Dyslexia

A mind map’s natural form uses lines, symbols, words, colours, and images to extend outward from its central point, like spider diagrams. Mind mapping transforms basic material into vivid, enduring, and meticulously arranged diagrams that correspond to the way your brain naturally thinks and functions. This approach helps dyslexics with note taking, planning and solving problems.

Mind mapping is a great tool for dyslexic workers since it uses a visual method of knowledge comprehension. Mind maps make it easier to understand complex information by breaking it down into manageable chunks that may then be organised into branches and sub-branches. Mind maps aid workers with dyslexia in structuring tasks and presentations visually, since they reduce distractions when coming up with fresh ideas.

The British Dyslexia Association has often advocated for mind mapping software in the workplace and recognises it as a valuable working tool.


How mind mapping software works

Idea generation

Utilising straightforward keyboard shortcuts or icons, it enables users to conceptualise and communicate their ideas visually on the computer.


Mind mapping software enables users to alter map layouts and designs to fit their unique learning preferences. For users with visual sensitivities, images, colours, fonts, and forms can be put into the branches of the diagram, along with various backdrop colours.

Even better, users can create their own unique styles that can be saved and used to structure all of their maps.

Structuring ideas

After the initial brainstorming session, users can rearrange thoughts using the numbering schemes provided in mind mapping software. No matter what view is selected, mind mapping provides a consistent organising solution due to its interchangeable layouts.

Exporting to Microsoft Office

The majority of mind mapping programmes offer smooth Microsoft Office integration.

With only one click, users may convert their mind maps into Microsoft Word or PowerPoint documents. With the creation of headings and subheadings in Microsoft Word, the structure will be maintained. Each branch and sub-branch in Microsoft PowerPoint will become a slide.

Organisation of notes and research

Maps can have a limitless amount of text notes, hyperlinks, sound files, and attachments added to them by students and employees. Using links to all the pertinent data, users can visually organise their research or teaching notes into a single document.

Visual action plans

Students who have trouble managing their time can add dates and timings to the mind map using software. This data may be transformed into a timeline with just one click and further customised by changing styles, icons, and colours.

How workplaces can help employees with dyslexia

Employers are required by law to make reasonable adjustments in the workplace so employees with dyslexia may perform their jobs to a high standard.

A reasonable adjustment is a modification to the workplace or method of operation. The employee’s challenges, the employer’s resources, and the viability of the modifications will all influence what is “fair.”

Many reasonable adjustments are straightforward, affordable, and simple to implement. Both the employer and the employee may make suggestions (or requests) for them.

To establish the most suitable adjustments for an employee, it is advised that professional guidance be sought and that a Workplace Needs Assessment (WNA) be completed. Here are some reading and writing adjustments that could help a dyslexic employee:

  • Give them plenty of time to read and finish a task.
  • Talk about the information with the employee, including summaries or key elements.
  • Provide information through different media, such as audio or video, pictures, infographics, and flowcharts.
  • Provide mind mapping tools.
  • Provide digital recorders.

Looking for expert Assistive Technology training?

Thriiver is committed to making workplaces more accessible for workers with disabilities. We are experts in offering an extensive selection of assistive technology solutions that may be customised to fit the unique requirements of any organisation.

From Workplace Needs Assessments, to Assistive Technologies, Workplace Mental Health Training and more, we can help you to support your employees with disabilities and create a workplace where everyone can thrive.


If you’re looking for assistive technology for your workplace, we can help. Get in touch with us today to find out more about our services, or simply shop now.

Mind Mapping Software for Dyslexia FAQs

What do people with dyslexia struggle with?

Dyslexia is a learning disability that mostly impacts the abilities required for precise and fluid word reading and spelling. Difficulties with phonological awareness, verbal memory, and verbal processing speed are defining characteristics of dyslexia. Across the spectrum of intellectual capacities, dyslexia exists.

What is mind mapping software for Dyslexia?

Using expert mind mapping software, you can streamline brainstorming sessions and visually display ideas. The ability of mind mapping software to outline reports, develop ideas, and speed up decision-making can make a massive difference.

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