Text prediction powered by Artificial Intelligence, simultaneously offering advanced spelling and grammar corrections in real time. With 27 unique and expansive medical dictionaries built-in, Lightkey Medical enable the user to write Medical Vocabulary with confidence.
Introducing LightKey Medical, a tool designed to provide medical professionals with intuitive typing assistance wherever they need it.
Lightkey Medical offers invaluable support by streamlining documentation tasks and improving overall productivity. In fast-paced healthcare environments, where accuracy and efficiency are paramount, Lightkey Medical enables medical professionals to quickly and accurately document patient information, treatment plans, and medical notes by automatically suggesting medical terminology, common phrases, and standard procedures.
- 27 Medical Dictionaries Inbuilt
- Text Predictions up to 18 words including punctuation
- Real time complex medical Spelling corrections
- Spelling and grammar corrections in real time
- Offline – No internet connection required
- No data or content is collected, private and secure
- Colour Highlights for Visual Impairment and Colour Blindness
- Read Aloud (Text Predictions and Corrections only)
PC download only