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We help organisations create inclusive workplaces for the benefit of everyone.


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Access To Work

For over 25 years we have supported both individuals and assessors with the Access To Work scheme.


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Learn how we can support neurodiverse employees.

Access to Work Guide

Discover Access to Work and download our step-by-step guide.

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Access to Work Guide

Discover Access to Work and frequently asked questions about the support programme. Download our step-by-step guide detailing how it works, and how you can access it.

AtW is a government scheme that provides personalised support and financial assistance for disability-related, mental health, or physical conditions to overcome barriers they may face. The goal is to ensure individuals have equal employment opportunities and can fully participate at work.

You are eligible for an AtW grant if you have a disability, illness, or health condition which means you need support to do your job (you do not need to be diagnosed with a condition to apply) You must also:

Be aged 16 or over


Employed in a paid job, which includes if you are about to start or return to a job in the next 12 weeks.


Can be in full or part-time work which includes (self-employment, apprenticeship, work experience, internship, and work placement)

The amount you receive is dependent on each individual and what support they require in the workplace. AtW offers grants to cover various expenses including specialised equipment, assistive software, travel companions, modifications to your vehicle, and many more.

Your employer might be asked to contribute towards the cost however, this depends on the size of the company, the type of support, and the duration you have been employed by the company. AtW will reimburse up to 80% of the authorised expenses between a certain threshold and £10,000. AtW may provide grants covering up to 100% of the costs for self-employed individuals, those employed for fewer than 6 weeks, Mental Health support services, support personnel, and small organisations with 0 – 49 employees.

Download our handy step-by-step guide detailing how AtW works, and how you can access it.

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